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 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, am 12:13 
Hello Harry,

so happy to see you and miss you very much.
we have a friend in Japan and i don't know which area he live.
he is very interesting about Mod Mayday Tokyo.
the party in club citta right?
would you give me address of club citta and he will going to the pub in this weekend.

i'm sorry about my poor english ahd thank you.

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, am 1:27 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 13? 週六, pm 10:11
文章: 1123
來自: Scooterist
車主: 是,我擁有自己的 Scooter
Hi Harry ! Nice to see U again.
maybe "Taipei mod style" is still a local family in Taiwan, so there doesn't appear much English in our website...but we believe, we'll try hard to get more advancement in the near future to push our family into international. :wink:

i saw U added a pair of front dumper on Ur Li S3,right! i've changed my TV S3's front dumpers last month,either.
but i can't feel there have any difference after i changed it. (the orginal one was broken)
WHY??? it should work orginally like no installed, or just i might bought the low class one (made from Thai).
or maybe U could kindly give us a nice suggestion to choose a good use brand of this accessary, many thanks.
my English is not good, so if there have any fault, PLS feel free to let me know.

Best Regards, Brandon 洪

單純的玩車就好...全世界都在看 !!

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, am 8:23 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 23? 週二, pm 9:16
文章: 173
來自: 虎老木
車主: 是,我擁有自己的 Scooter
老洪 寫:
Hi Harry ! Nice to see U again.
maybe "Taipei mod style" is still a local family in Taiwan, so there doesn't appear much English in our website...but we believe, we'll try hard to get more advancement in the near future to push our family into international. :wink:

i saw U added a pair of front dumper on Ur Li S3,right! i've changed my TV S3's front dumpers last month,either.
but i can't feel there have any difference after i changed it. (the orginal one was broken)
WHY??? it should work orginally like no installed, or just i might bought the low class one (made from Thai).
or maybe U could kindly give us a nice suggestion to choose a good use brand of this accessary, many thanks.
my English is not good, so if there have any fault, PLS feel free to let me know.

Best Regards, Brandon 洪

PS:還說不會英文...用那麼多生字,but if you love in Scooters, English become easier, am I right!


 文章主題 : Re: please! pleae! mates!
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, pm 5:27 

註冊時間: 2004? 12月 12? 週日, am 2:27
文章: 18
來自: 邁阿密
gs150li3harry 寫:
All right, mates?
hope u all remeber me DJed there in Taipei in the last Sep nad Mar.

Anyway, this site appears to be quite interesting but not understandable for me and another mods and scooterists all around the world.
Anybody could do it in English, please?
I have just managed to register to post this topic.

anyway, there will be Mod Mayday Tokyo on this weekend.
hope i could show u pics if i would take good ecough.

anybody wants to visit here Tokyo, i and a few of my mates would love to give u a hand.

cheers for now. enjoy yourself.


Hi Harry:
I still remember the cute female DJ who is from Tokyo ,JP.
How have your guys been doing?
I appreciate that your guys threw yours first big party i
in Taipei.
We really had a wonderful Time .
Hope we will seeing you throwing big party in Taipei again.

To be myself and let the covers fall away

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, pm 7:09 
gs150li3harry 寫:
I'm so glad u lots of lads have seen this message and even a few have posted a reply.

thanks for the quick reply. i think i knew one of ya mates was going to come to Tokyo to study. Tiger has given me his e-mail and I tried contacting him by e-mail but haven't got a reply yet.
anyone knows about it? it is my pleasure to take him to Mod Mayday and share the joy.
if i'm correct, where he currently live is a bit far from my house but not so much. i think i better see him tomorrow or in next one week because it will be quite wetty, luke-bloody-warm and rainy here in Tokyo.

yes, u r right the place is called Club Citta but actually, it is not in Tokyo but Kawasaki.

ya English is quite clear. don't hesitate anymore.

just you regard this is local but for me, it should be global. i tell you why the hell is that.
because this is called INTERnet, not domesticnet. know what i mean?
for me, personally, i thought mine was also local but our squad started to get an e-mail from all over the world once in a while.
actually, i have met three tourists from the States and UK last week. i could share the joy with them.
expand your world not your territory. enjoy your life more!

for front shock absorbers...
i felt the difference with those dampers and without them. maybe the reason is my scooter is just an LI not TV. especially when i am riding more than a certain speeds.
the dampers i put on my LI are also cheap one from Vietnam.
i think the best ones are produced in Gemany but they are bit expensive i guess.
refer to the links like <a href="http://www.beedspeed.com/shock.html">this</a> and some others. use Google.
i don't think these kind of stuffs are just accessories but improving kits. what do you think?

how often i see u in these days even on the web. lol
yes! u r quite right get more into scooters, your English will be better and better. the same goes for me. if u regard yourself as a Mod geezer, u should speak English.

anyway, i'll keep an eye on this web site and also get in touch.


這樣比較方便看~~` O:)

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, pm 9:45 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 5? 週五, pm 8:00
文章: 6425
來自: 台北
車主: 是,我擁有自己的 Scooter

部落格 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/vespaa1965

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 20? 週五, pm 10:42 

註冊時間: 2005? 1月 24? 週一, pm 11:03
文章: 49
來自: 永和


 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 21? 週六, am 12:50 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 6? 週六, am 12:31
文章: 294
唐牛 寫:

thanks for the quick reply. i think i knew one of ya mates was going to come to Tokyo to study. Tiger has given me his e-mail and I tried contacting him by e-mail but haven't got a reply yet.
anyone knows about it? it is my pleasure to take him to Mod Mayday and share the joy.
if i'm correct, where he currently live is a bit far from my house but not so much. i think i better see him tomorrow or in next one week because it will be quite wetty, luke-bloody-warm and rainy here in Tokyo.

小弟英文不會寫 但中文說的還不差 雞婆幫你翻譯一下

他用e mail試著連絡你但你卻沒回應(可能你或虎寬給錯了吧)
他很想帶你去參加Mod Mayday這是他的榮幸

他如果沒記錯的話 你住的地方離他家稍微有點遠

所以說呢就是你把你的e mail寫在板上 讓他知道
你跟他就又可以破鏡重圓啦 讓中日搭起友誼的橋樑


hi Harry counld u post ur e mail or telephone number on the board , 唐牛 will contact u

Love & Peace

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 21? 週六, am 1:13 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 13? 週六, pm 10:11
文章: 1123
來自: Scooterist
車主: 是,我擁有自己的 Scooter
yakwan 寫:

PS:還說不會英文...用那麼多生字,but if you love in Scooters, English become easier, am I right!

我是不會英文啊~雖然破但還算敢講就是了...如果只擔心說錯或是被笑的話,就怕自己永遠都沒有機會進步了(況且有你在我還怕什麼) :mrgreen:

單純的玩車就好...全世界都在看 !!

最後由 老洪 於 2005? 5月 21? 週六, am 2:25 編輯,總共編輯了 2 次。

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 21? 週六, am 1:30 

註冊時間: 2004? 11月 13? 週六, pm 10:11
文章: 1123
來自: Scooterist
車主: 是,我擁有自己的 Scooter
gs150li3harry 寫:

just you regard this is local but for me, it should be global. i tell you why the hell is that.
because this is called INTERnet, not domesticnet. know what i mean?
for me, personally, i thought mine was also local but our squad started to get an e-mail from all over the world once in a while.
actually, i have met three tourists from the States and UK last week. i could share the joy with them.
expand your world not your territory. enjoy your life more!

for front shock absorbers...
i felt the difference with those dampers and without them. maybe the reason is my scooter is just an LI not TV. especially when i am riding more than a certain speeds.
the dampers i put on my LI are also cheap one from Vietnam.
i think the best ones are produced in Gemany but they are bit expensive i guess.
refer to the links like <a href="http://www.beedspeed.com/shock.html">this</a> and some others. use Google.
i don't think these kind of stuffs are just accessories but improving kits. what do you think?

Dear Harry:
thanks for Ur opinions and kindly gave me these 2 links.
i'll do consider about that !!
enjoy Ur party time, \:D/ and don't forget to provide us more photos !

單純的玩車就好...全世界都在看 !!

 文章主題 :
文章發表於 : 2005? 5月 21? 週六, am 9:57 

註冊時間: 2005? 1月 24? 週一, pm 11:03
文章: 49
來自: 永和
gs150li3harry 寫:
I'm a bit surprised that there are more replies than I expected.
It might not be a good idea to post me personal information but...
The guy in Tokyo (sorry, i have no idea how to pronouce his name) seems not to be able to read my e-mail. This is my number.
Hope his Japanese or English is good enough.

im get your number
you can call me yoさん
and i will call u latter
sorry my english is not realy better
i hope you can undetstand


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